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Strategic communications and dissemination services for enterprises


​​A self-developed framework
The so-called "user centered design" is the cornerstone of our work, which is actualised through service design, business models and customer empathy facilitation tools, in order to reveal the value proposition of a product or service, so that it can be understood by the customer.
These tools are also useful for the design of a communication model that defines and delineates the bridge between value proposition and customer.

Areas of Expertise

We are specialised in three main areas or scenarios of action, due to our expertise, experience and training. ICT, tourism and rural environments. These are very often hand in hand.

We are a consultancy company that offers strategic communications and dissemination services for the enterprise.

Training and Workshops

The The proposed methodology is specifically designed for the acquisition of skills and competence, through active participation and inference by participation and collaboration. It is also designed to create personal, social and professional networks; and developing communication skills in order to become more competitive.

CONTEXTUALIZATION for a correct analysis of the situation which helps to understand the type of communication the company needs.

DESIGN and TEST of the proposed solution through service design and business models facilitation tools, and customer testing.

PLANNING of the communication actions, effectively and efficiently, that generate a change in the company.

EXECUTION according to the company's needs.

COACHING and training to the company's responsible of the communication activities.


Specific communication actions that aim to disseminate the company and its product, through the proper mechanisms.


Strategical actions of communications in order to help the company to achieve its business goals. They are actions of design, planning and execution.

  • Development of the idea through the design process value propositions
  • Using well-proven methodologies of communication and message development
  • Individualization and customization according to the message receiver (customer, company or competition)
  • Resource optimization that eases competitive prices within each project
Consultoría de Comunicación Comono Comunicación
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